8.2 – Safety Meetings

Crew Talks

  1. The site supervisor or designate of each operational worksite will ensure a crew talk is conducted on a weekly basis; all crew talks will be documented on the Crew Talk & Training Record.
  2. In addition to (1) a crew talk will be conducted whenever significant changes to worksite conditions or work processes occur.
  3. The three most current, completed Crew Talk & Training Records will be posted in accordance with established company procedure.
  4. Completed records that are no longer required to be posted will be filed/kept in the worksite filing system.

Site Safety Meetings (Prime Contractor)

  1. The site supervisor or designate will ensure:
    • a subcontractor committee is established at any operational worksite where 20 or more workers are regularly employed
    • site safety meetings are conducted at least monthly
    • subcontractors regularly working on site are adequately represented
  2. The site supervisor or designate will:
  3. Completed Site Safety Meeting Records no longer required to be posted will be filed/kept in the worksite filing system.

Safety Committee Meetings

  1. A company-wide safety committee will be established and meetings held on a monthly basis in accordance with the Workers Compensation Act – Part 3 Division 4.
  2. Each committee will establish and document its own set of rules on the Safety Committee Terms of Reference; amendments will only be made by vote of the members.
  3. Prior to each committee meeting, an agenda will be prepared and documented on the Safety Committee Agenda.
  4. After each committee meeting, minutes will be prepared and documented on the Safety Committee Minutes and distributed to:
    • the employer
    • all committee members
    • each operational worksite
  5. Any recommendations to the employer will be documented on the Safety Committee Recommendations and submitted to the employer as soon as practicable.
  6. The employer will respond in writing to any recommendations within 21 days of receiving the request, either indicating acceptance or giving reasons for not accepting the recommendation.
  7. If it is not practicable to respond before the end of the 21 day period, the employer will provide within that time a written explanation for the delay, together with an indication of when the response will be provided.