1.0 – Health & Safety Policy

Safe Work Environment

Griffin Properties Ltd. recognizes the rights of all workers to work in a safe, healthy and productive environment, and is committed to providing such a workplace for all employees and subcontractors.

In fulfilling this commitment, a comprehensive occupational health and safety program has been designed and implemented as a means of:

  • reducing the occurrence of illness, injuries, accidents, near-misses, and/or property damage through employee education, participation, and empowerment
  • communicating, consulting, and cooperating with employees to address health and safety issues and concerns
  • ensuring worksite compliance with relevant legislative requirements

Injury Management

Griffin Properties Ltd. is fully committed to the rehabilitation of its employees and will provide service and support to all employees who suffer from a work related injury/illness as a means to:

  • establish a clear process for all employees following an injury/illness
  • ensure full communication and co-operation between employee, employer and the treating health professional
  • provide the best possible response to the management of workplace injuries, so injured workers can stay at work or return to work at the earliest appropriate time
  • reduce the costs associated with work related injuries/illnesses

Responsibilities & Commitment

Health and Safety is the responsibility of all personnel in the workplace; more specific details are outlined in the corresponding section. (Responsibilities 1.1)


All aspects of this document have been reviewed and endorsed by the holder.

1.0 Health & Safety Policy